Thursday, August 28, 2008

Noisy House Guests

We currently have two slighty smelly and loud house guests. They are big D and little D, aptly named for their respective sizes. Big D is the dehumidifier we have set up in the guest bedroom and Little D is in the kitchen. To the left is a picture of big D and the guilty radiator in the background.

Unfortunately, they are staying for a week to ten days. Hopefully, they will do a good job pulling the water out of the floors so that we don't have a mold issue.

While we are in Greece, the flooring guys will be replacing the floors in the hallway, spare bedroom and kitchen. Thankfully, we won't have to be here at that time as they will have to completely remove the kitchen to redo the floor underneath.

My plan to have the house completely set up before we left for Greece is foiled again. At least the living room/ dining room is finished. I thought I'd attach a picture so that everyone doesn't think we are living in a hovel.

I am confident that everything will come together, and we will love this flat. Probably right about the time we are get relocated to Switzerland.

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