Friday, July 18, 2008

Observations of a newcomer

1. Everyone follows the don't walk sign. There might not be a car for miles but apparently rules are rules.

2. There are more Italian restaurants here than German ones. I think Jim and I have eaten Italian almost every night. Not that I'm complaining!

3. No one wears sunglasses. Not that it is very sunny here but it can be bright.

4. Every cafe and restaurant has outdoor seating and people will sit outside in just about any weather. The restaurants usually have umbrellas so you don't get wet when it rains.

5. Lots of spandex. Spandex is the preferred fabric for all exercise.

6. Ice cream/ gelatto shops and cafes (Eiscafe) everywhere but no soup! Apparently there was a soup place here, but it went out of business. Today I'd kill for some hot soup.

7. It is much faster to bike here than drive - too many einbahnstrasses (one way streets). Every street has a bike lane. I can't wait to get a cruiser bike.

8. People really like their beer here. You see people drinking at cafes at all times of the day. Apparently beer is considered food not an alcoholic drink. Jim said that they even have beer in the office cafeteria. I think they've had some issues with that in the explosives manufacturing facilities. Shocking.

9. No mosquitos but tons of bees. Every time we eat breakfast outside there are 5 wasps buzzing around us or hanging out in our jam or honey. They are shameless. They just dunk their whole head in the jam and start drinking.

10. Huge trees which are a great canopy so when it rains you hardly get wet.

11. There are a lot of really nice cars here. However, they don't have any problem parking these cars up on a sidewalk. No car covers here.

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