Friday, November 7, 2008

Bruges and Butta, Baby!

I have a new found appreciation for butter since I've been in Germany. I think I've got about 5 different butters in my tiny little fridge. I've got some German butter, truffle butter, French butter, etc. (I'm not sure why the French butter is so much better than the German stuff but trust me it is.)

Now back in Denver, I was on the butter backlash bandwagon. I was an anti-butterite. Butter was bad, and I was having no part of it. So my new love affair with this oh so creamy, salty but sweet at the same time, condiment is a surprise to me.

The German bakeries are part of this love triangle, and I truly believe the guilty party. Because the bread here is so good, it deserves the real thing. I'm really just doing it for the bread.

Today we are off to Bruges, Belgium. Jim is doing a lot of traveling this month for work – Athens, Oslo and Moscow so it will be our only weekend to get outta dodge.

From the research I’ve done so far, it looks like the dining scene will be pretty good. I’ll make sure to come back with some good recommendations and a full report on what we ate. I'm sure whatever it is, it will have lotsa butta.

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