Thursday, April 9, 2009

German Scoldings

I started this blog a couple of weeks ago after getting yelled at about 3 times in one week. Up until this point, I had somehow evaded reprimand. My friends had all complained about being yelled at for not following the rules, but my Teutonic blood must have caused me to be a rule abider until a few weeks ago. Germans feel that when someone breaks a rule, it is their duty to point it out. My three indiscretions were that: I didn't wear a swim cap in the pool; I crossed the street when it said don't walk in the presence of a child; and while biking, I stopped ahead of the line at a light, and I was wearing headphones.

I came across this article this morning in the Herald Tribune and was motivated to finish this blog posting. This article captures the German psyche so incredibly well.

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