Saturday, December 13, 2008

The thing about old houses is . . .

They are old! So like our aging bodies lots of things start going wrong after about 30 - 40 years. I am starting to think our 110 year old building in Bonn might need a little more work other than its recent plastic surgery.

Last week I looked up from the dining room table and noticed a large water stain on the ceiling. There must be a leak in the roof which is causing the water damage. That same day I was searching for some misplaced contacts and discovered mold growing all over a wall in our sun room (or winter garden as they call it in Germany because there is no sun here).
To top it all off, this morning we awoke to freezing cold radiators. So we had to have breakfast in hats, scarves, gloves and winter coats. I felt a little like I was camping but without the warm campfire.

Thankfully our landlord is very responsive so he had someone here to survey the damage today. I almost feel sorry for him. I think he is regretting his foray into the real estate market. He must feel a bit like Tom Hanks in The Money Pit.


Erin said...

In Bonn I was constantly struggling with a mold problem. We had to leave a window open in the bathroom year round to keep the windowsills from developing a scary pink film.

Alison said...

The weird part is that he said the mold was growing because I wasn't heating that room. I would think it would be worse with the heat but what do I know.